Please note, a stable inspection is required prior to any approval, and all additional stable applications must be approved by the Licensing Panel who meet monthly.

All applications must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the planned relocation or additional stable commencement date. Horses are not to be moved to the requested location unless approval has been granted.

Relocation or Additional Stable Application Form

Please selected whether you wish to Relocate a Stable (when relocating an entire stable of horse(s) to another property permanently) OR add an Additional Stable Location (when driving a team of horse(s) between multiple properties long term or permanently).

Are you Planning to use a club track and/or Facilities?

If Yes, has permission been given by that club?

Please select the date of relocation or the start Date of additional stable?
Trainer Declaration: I hereby declare that all particulars in my application are true and correct. I acknowledge and agree to be subject to and bound by the Rules of Racing as amended or varied by Racing Victoria from time to time. I also acknowledge that approval of this Application is required prior to the relocation of my horse(s) and that a Stable Inspection will be required.