Racing Victoria Limited (ACN 096 917 930) (Racing Victoria, we, our, us) is the Principal Racing Authority responsible for governing thoroughbred racing in Victoria established under the Racing Act 1958 (Vic). 

We respect the privacy of the personal information you may provide to us. The way we manage your personal information is governed by the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) established under the Privacy Act (unless an exemption applies). 

When used in this Privacy Collection Statement, the term personal information has the meaning given to it in the Privacy Act.

What kinds of personal information do we collect? 

The types of personal information we may collect from you (or from third parties) includes, but is not limited to: 

  • your name (current and former), date of birth, appearance (such as in a photograph for your ID) and contact details (including your address, landline or telephone number and e-mail address);
  • the name of your next of kin and emergency contact details (including their relationship to you);
  • your previous employment details (when you went through our recruitment process, including your resume, cover letter and references as the case may be), including company name, job title and business sector;
  • banking, tax and superannuation fund details (including your tax file number);
  • citizenship, passport and/or visa details;
  • professional accreditation and licencing (such as legal or veterinary practice) or other permits (including a working with children check);
  • a copy of your driver’s licence in the event you drive a Racing Victoria pool car or have a Racing Victoria tool of trade vehicle;
  • information  to confirm your compliance with your obligations as a Racing Victoria employee (including Racing Victoria’s or its stakeholder policies and legislation) including but not limited to:
    • your ownership of a horse or other property, affiliate to an entity or other identified conflict of interests; and
    • your betting activity, which may be obtained from bookmakers or wagering service providers,
  • other information you may share with Racing Victoria during the course your employment. 

We may also collect your sensitive information, which may include: 

  • health information, such as:
    •  details of any allergies or dietary requirements you have, or other medical conditions which you consider important we are made aware of;
    • certificates or other verification information in support of leave including a medical or carers certificate; 
    • your vaccination status (in relation to COVID-19 or other virus/disease you advise Racing Victoria of where it is related to its functions or activities, such as if you elect to have a flu vaccination arranged by Racing Victoria); and/or
    • if you become injured in the course of your course employment, information provided about you in relation to a workcover claim or incident report,
  • criminal record information obtained through our screening processes before you commence, or during the course of, your employment with us;
  • information you provide in or which we collect from a third party in order to verify your compliance with your obligations as a Racing Victoria employee (including Racing Victoria’s or its stakeholder policies and legislation); and
  • other information which may be considered sensitive that you may share with Racing Victoria during the course your employment. 

How do we collect personal information? 

Racing Victoria collects your personal information during the recruitment and on boarding processes, and throughout your employment at Racing Victoria. 

We will mainly collect information directly from you. There may be circumstances where information may be provided on your behalf, for example, to verify that you meet the requirements of your employment, such as from recruiters, your nominated referees, training providers, medical practitioners, or government agencies.

We may also obtain your personal information from third parties we deal with, such as: 

  • our contracted service providers such as recruitment agencies or professional advisers; 
  •  publicly available sources including publications and websites such as LinkedIn or social networking websites;
  • third parties such as licensed participants, acknowledged retrainers, permitted veterinarians, wagering service providers and/or the general public where it is reported to Racing Victoria, such as through its complaint form;
  • other third parties such as enforcement bodies, government authorities, the Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner, Victoria Racing Integrity Board, other Principal Racing Authorities (including those of other racing codes) and racing clubs; andany other organisation from whom you are referred. 

Where we collect personal information from third parties you refer to us, we will assume and you will ensure that you have made that third party aware of the referral and the purposes of collection, use and disclosure of the relevant personal information.

Why do we collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information? 

We collect, use and disclose your personal information to enable us to facilitate an ongoing employment relationship and for Racing Victoria to comply with its regulatory and legislative obligations.

If you do not provide us with your personal information, Racing Victoria may refuse or otherwise be prevented from having an employment relationship with you.

How do we keep your information secure?

We hold your information in secure and purpose specific business systems. These systems have access and security policies and procedures in place which are designed to protect your personal information and to ensure that only employees with appropriate authorisation can access this information.

What will your personal information be used and disclosed for?

We will use and/or disclose your personal information to manage processes associated with your employment relationship with us, for integrity or regulatory purposes or other functions and/or activities outlined in section 3 of our Privacy Policy, including for:

  • recruitment, selection and appointment functions, including to verify details for your employment including work rights and relevant qualifications and licences/permits, health and background checks;
  • payroll processing and superannuation administration;
  • insurance purposes and the management of work-related travel;
  • contacting or locating you or notifying the relevant authority or your emergency contact if there are reasonable grounds to be concerned about your welfare or safety;
  • risk management, workplace health and safety and workers compensation matters;
  • managing and investigating performance, conduct, and disciplinary matters;
  • to advise other Racing Victoria employees, such as when you begin your employment/a new role or your milestones at Inside Industry;
  • employees training and development;
  • operational functions, such as payroll data processing or other administrative functions;
  • benchmarking, reporting, analysis, quality assurance and planning purposes;
  • employees appraisals, probation and promotion;
  • informing you about Racing Victoria news and events, activities, courses and opportunities that may be of interest to you as an employee of Racing Victoria; and
  • compliance, including by Racing Victoria (such as with its policies or the Rules of Racing), enforcement bodies, government authorities, the Office of the Racing Integrity Commissioner, Victorian Racing Integrity Board, Racing Australia, other Principal Racing Authorities (including those of other racing codes) or Victorian racing clubs.

Cross-border Processing and Disclosure of Personal Information

Racing Victoria may process and/or disclose your personal information overseas, including in the United States, the European Union (including the United Kingdom), Singapore and Hong Kong to third-party providers for business support services (such as IT services), for integrity purposes, such as to assist international investigations and/or combating the threat of illegal betting and other financial crime risks to racing integrity or as otherwise outlined in our Privacy Policy.

What rights of access and correction do you have?

Racing Victoria is generally exempt from the Privacy Act when we handle employee records. However, where State or Territory health privacy legislation applies, we are still required to protect the privacy of employee health information. 

If you have questions regarding the access and correction of other information about you held by Racing Victoria please contact

There may be circumstances where access to information cannot be granted as it may compromise the privacy of another individual. In those instances, Racing Victoria may require requests for access to be sought through the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic). Further information about this process is available on our Freedom of Information page.

How to contact us about privacy

Your privacy is very important to us. Please contact Racing Victoria’s Privacy Officer via one of the following if you have any questions:

Mail:              Racing Victoria Privacy Officer, Racing Victoria, 400 Epsom Road, Flemington, Victoria, 3031
Telephone:    1300 139 401

If you are concerned about a possible interference with your privacy, please contact Racing Victoria’s Privacy Officer and Racing Victoria will investigate the matter. Complaints to Racing Victoria must be made in writing. If you do not receive a response within 30 days or your concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can refer the matter to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC).

Before you can lodge a complaint with the OAIC, you will generally need to complain directly to Racing Victoria. Details on how to lodge a complaint with OAIC are set out on the OAIC’s website here.

The OAIC can also be contacted on 1300 363 992.