Look after your mental health and wellbeing.

Taking care of your mental health and wellbeing can look different to everyone. It's about finding a balance in all aspects of your life that works for you. It's about your whole person: physical, mental, social and emotional. Making small adjustments can help you learn what works for you and stay well.

There are many things you can do to look after your mental health and wellbeing. Some are simple, others more challenging.

Pop over the the Beyound Blue website for the latest information on sleeping well, keeping active, eating well, establishing a good routine and practicing mindfulness.

  • Get walking/moving
  • Sit less and exercise more
  • Join the gym
  • Go to the park
  • Walk the dog
  • Visit your doctor
  • Smoke less or quit
  • Talk to a friend
  • Seek counselling
  • Complete a self-help course online
  • Get physical
  • Eat well
  • Visit you doctor

    Depression can be described as feeling intensely sad or flat, for 2 weeks or more.

    Common signs or symptoms can include:

    • Physical: Changes in appetite, Sick and run down, Tired all the time
    • Behavioural: Drinking more, Withdrawn, Not 'getting the job done'
    • Thoughts: Suicidal thoughts, Worthless, Hopeless and helpless
    • Feeling: Irritable, Overwhelmed, Unhappy

    An anxiety disorder is a serious health condition that makes it hard for an individual to cope with daily life. It is more than just feeling stressed or worried, it stops people doing things that are they are normally able to do.

    Common signs and symptoms include:

    • Physical: Difficulty sleeping, Racing heart, Muscle pain
    • Behavioural: Drinking more, Avoiding things, Poor concentration
    • Thoughts: Reoccurring thoughts, Constant worrying
    • Feeling: Agitated, Overwhelmed, Panic
    • Eat more fruit and vegetables
    • Eat less processed foods
    • Reduce your alcohol intake
    • Smoke less or quit
    • Try healthy recipes
    • Reduce your caffeine intake
    • Catch up with friends
    • Spend time with family
    • Go somewhere new
    • Walk the dog
    Contact Us

    Kirra Fitzgerald

    Participant Wellbeing Manager
    400 Epsom Road, Flemington

    Urgent Help

    Racing Victoria does not provide an emergency or instant response service. If you are feeling suicidal or in a crisis please seek help immediately.

    If you are in Australia please call:

    • Triple Zero (000) in an Emergency
    • Lifeline (13 11 14)
    • Suicide Call Back Service (1300 659 467)